
Monday, January 24, 2011

When Do You Give Up?

I'm reading this book, see.  And it's a library book.  I waited in line for WEEKS to get this book.  And I really want to read it, except that I don't.

Sometimes I'm reading along and it just sucks me in.  It's fascinating, and I can't wait to see what happens next.  And then the scene changes, and I'm putting it down every other page to see if there's anything new on the internet and get a snack.  I think part of the problem is that the author seems to be setting up a triangle, and I have no interest in one of the dudes.  Also, I'm a little over 1/3 of the way through the book, about 95 pages in, and I still have little to no idea what the hell is going on.  Obviously there is mysterious, paranormal shit going down.  But none of it makes sense yet.  And all we're getting is the girl's POV, even though it's told in 3rd person, so the author could switch over to one of the guys if she wanted to.  (But please, not the one I don't like, unless you can tell me something in his POV that would make him interesting.)

I'm seriously thinking about scraping this book.  There's other stuff I want to read.  But I've borrowed this book from the library twice now, waiting in line forever both times, and I'm reluctant to give up on it.  When do you pull the plug?  At what point do you decide to let it go and move on with your day?


  1. If I'm interested in any of it, I'll generally continue on. It has to be the most insufferably bad thing I've ever read for me to stop reading once I've started. Case in point, I read that Slow Hands book the other day -- curiosity got the better of me. And, even though it stunk to high Heaven, I still finished it.

    I know the feeling, though. I waited in line several times to get my hands on "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo," got thirty pages into it, and returned it with no regrets.

  2. Took me a couple hundred pages to get into GWTDT. I'd never have read that far if I hadn't been sick in bed and had nothing else to read.
    In the case of the book you're reading... I'd probably start skimming. Life's too short :)

  3. I'd quit. I'm a big fat quitterpants if I don't care about the characters.

  4. I usually stop reading when I tell myself: with all the books in the world, why waste my time with this one?

    I'd say by page 50, if I feel no pull to the characters/story/writer's voice, I put it down.

    Do tell: what's the book you want to stop reading?

  5. It was Fallen by Lauren Kate. I finally did give up on it. The clock was ticking on other library downloads, and when I realized I was making a "meh" face at the thought of picking up my reader I knew it was time to kill it.
